Yin Yang Yoga 4 You Yoga Studio
Reiki can offer solace and support helping you find emotional balance to start off your year. By directing Reiki energy to the heart chakra ...
Yin Yang Yoga 4 You Yoga Studio
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Drop-In yoga class per person
Includes all yoga classes per month per person
Includes all yoga classes for the year per person
You may purchase classes at: https://portals.icheckgateway.com/YinYangYogaForYou/
Reiki can offer solace and support helping you find emotional balance to start off your year. By directing Reiki energy to the heart chakra and other areas associated with emotions, you can release emotional blockages and foster a sense of peace within. Reiki can bring a gentle and loving energy that can help you process and release intense emotions, promoting emotional well-being and harmony for the New Year. Come practice with us as we heal each other and help ready ourselves as we have so many demands we put on ourselves throughout the year. Six spots available due to time allocations.